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There was much discussion at the Festival of maintaining the links that have been made throughout the course of the week. One element of this is the creative responses to the events which are displayed here. Participants are welcome to send material (images, writing etc) to be added.

To view material please view the events listing by day. More will be added as it is received.

Saturday 4 July

Welcome gathering and Introduction to Geopoetics by Norman Bissell.

Nàdair Film Argyll’s Atlantic Islands and Discussion

Sunday 5 July

Free morning to explore the island.

The Atlantic Islands and Geopoetics: Talk by Norman Bissell with contributors from other islands and Discussion.

Jim Ferguson on Tannahill: An Introduction to the Life and Work of Paisley Poet and Songster Robert Tannahill (1774-1810).

Writers’ Night with Jan Sutch Pickard from the Ross of Mull, Graham Hardie, Jim Ferguson and others.

Monday 6 July

Atlantic Islands Plant Life: A Guided Walk to Ballachuan Hazel Woods led by Seil Natural History Group.

White River and Geopoetics: Talk by Jamie Whittle and Discussion.

Time Was Away: Talk by Anne Scott and Discussion.

Music Night with Margaret Bennett, Mark Sheridan and Hugh MacQueen.

Tuesday 7 July

The Visual Arts and Geopoetics: Illustrated Talk by Bill Taylor and Discussion.

The Poetics of Place: Talk by Norman Bissell and Discussion.

A Geotrail and Slate Sculpture Gardens in Cullipool: Talk and Walk led by Bill Taylor & Alastair Fleming.

Storytelling Workshop led by Patsy Dyer.

Storytelling and Music Night with Patsy Dyer, Margaret Bennett and Aidan O’Rourke

Wednesday 8 July

Atlantic Island Bird Song: Talk, Discussion and Guided Walk led by Seil Natural History Group.

Slate Sculpture Competition

One to One Writer Surgeries with Peter Urpeth, Hi-Arts Writing Development Coordinator.

Theatre Skills: Workshop led by Marion Sheridan.

The Atlantic Islands Suite: A new musical and poetry composition by Mark Sheridan and Norman Bissell featuring Margaret Bennett, Aidan O’Rourke and Lori Watson followed by an informal reception.

Thursday 9 July

Boat Trip to Eileach an Naoimh, the furthest south of the Garvellach Isles.

Celtic Artwork: place, language, culture: Talk and Workshop led by Cheryl Galbraith.

My Journey to Luing: a musical presentation by Jacqui McDonald.

Atlantic Food Showcase.

Friday 10 July

Geology and geopoetics: Talk and Walk with Alastair and Zoë Fleming.

The practice of geopoetics: Scottish Centre for Geopoetics contributors.

Websites, Geotrail and Slate Sculpture Gardens Showcase.

Lament and Fingal’s Cave – a showing of two short films by the artist Richard Ashrowan, exploring the geopoetics of two distinct Scottish landscapes.

Grand Ceilidh with Seil Ceilidh Band and Children’s Drama performance.

Saturday 11 July

Plenary Session and Planning the next Atlantic Islands Festival and Geopoetics Summer School.

Farewell till the next time.


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